A decrease in the coverage percentage is not a reliable metric

Hey @hexagonrecursion, great point here. And thanks for making the POC repo to show what you meant.

A few points here:

  1. Yes, though often removing code is a very healthy choice for a project, removing covered code can have the impact of lowering code coverage due to the math of numerator / denominator of code coverage.

—> 3/4 covered lines = 75%, 4/5 covered lines = 80%. Boo, percentages. We do try to make up for this using something we call “offset coverage”: https://docs.codecov.io/docs/coverage-offset

  1. If you only want to look at the added lines, that’s where patch coverage comes from. Status Checks

In your example commit you sent, the patch status would be 100% as you added only covered lines.

Nonetheless, let me make sure the coverage offset concept is working as expected from #1.