Codecov doesn't display commits title

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Codecov is displaying “Unable to find commit in Bitbucket” for all commits, when viewing the recent commits.
We also notice that when we click on a commit, the commit page properly displays the commit title, but it also displays the following message: “Waiting for CI to complete.”.
Third issue is, not sure if related or not, codecov isn’t posting codecov results in bitbucket, even though we configured the global yaml.

Commit SHAs



Repo is private.
Below is a link to the codecov project.

CI/CD or Build URL

Bitbucket pipelines.


# Download the latest upload script and make it executable.
curl -Os
chmod +x codecov

# Upload the coverage files to codecov.
cd "${BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR}" || exit

Codecov Output

     _____          _
    / ____|        | |
   | |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __
   | |    / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
   | |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /
    \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/
  Codecov report uploader 0.1.0
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.209Z] ['info'] => Project root located at: /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.210Z] ['info'] ->  Token found by arguments
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.279Z] ['info'] Searching for coverage files...
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.344Z] ['info'] => Found 8 possible coverage files:
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.344Z] ['info'] Processing /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/scripts/
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.346Z] ['info'] Processing /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/app_courier/coverage/
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.346Z] ['info'] Processing /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/app_customers/coverage/
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.347Z] ['info'] Processing /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/app_partners/coverage/
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.348Z] ['info'] Processing /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/common/internationalization/coverage/
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.348Z] ['info'] Processing /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/core/authentication/coverage/
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.349Z] ['info'] Processing /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/core/database/coverage/
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.349Z] ['info'] Processing /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/core/remote_config/coverage/
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.354Z] ['info'] Detected Bitbucket as the CI provider.
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.355Z] ['info'] Pinging Codecov:*******&branch=master&build=2319&build_url=&commit=70e2722d67ab7a8881ee51f760d63281aa586af5&job=2319&pr=&service=bitbucket&slug=spreeloop/place&name=&tag=&flags=&parent=
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.470Z] ['info'] Uploading...
[2021-09-11T06:15:56.642Z] ['info'] {"status":"success","resultURL":""}

Expected Results

  • Proper commit title.
  • CI doesn’t show up as being in progress
  • codecov bot posts on pull requests

Actual Results

  • “Unable to find commit in Bitbucket” title.
  • COmmit page says “Waiting for CI to complete.
  • codecov bot isn’t posting on pull requests

Additional Information

Any additional information, configuration or data that might be necessary to reproduce the issue.

@pakona have you set a team bot?

Yes @tom. The team bot is set as described in the instructions.
The username for the bot is my own bitbucket username.

Hello, what are my options here? Any help debugging this?

@pakona, I’m not seeing a bot set in the codecov.yml nor in the repo settings page. Could you double-check or let me know what I’m missing?

I’ve attached a screenshot showing the global yaml. Do I need any other configuration?

@pakona, I don’t think this is the under the right organization. The top left avatar says pkongpinda not spreeloop

I am experiencing the same problem with a private bitbucket repo.

Thanks @tom . I’ve updated the spreeloop yaml, but I’m running into the same issue.

Screenshot of the team global yaml attached.

@pakona thanks for this, looks like this is a deeper issue with bitbucket. I’ll forward over to the product team to try to resolve as quickly as possible. Would you be able to see if marking the bot on the repo settings page (as opposed to org settings page) fixes the issue at all?

@pakona just wanted to circle back that this should be resolved now.