Webhook HTTP 400 Invalid Signature

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Webhook HTTP 400 Invalid Signature

Commit SHAs




CI/CD or Build URL

AWS Codebuild
Build commands are here: https://github.com/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/blob/main/javascript/buildspec.yml


Node commands

Codecov Output

[Container] 2021/01/30 03:10:43 Running command codecov --token=xxx
  _____          _  
 / ____|        | |  
| |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __  
| |    / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /  
| |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /  
 \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/  
==> Detecting CI Provider
    AWS CodeBuild Detected
==> Configuration: 
    Endpoint: https://codecov.io
{ commit: '71bc3c49f74356667297b0b04361d92686e7714d',
  branch: 'HEAD',
  package: 'node-v3.8.1' }
==> Building file structure
==> Generating gcov reports (skip via --disable=gcov)
    $ find /codebuild/output/src177393001/src/github.com/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/javascript/src -type f -name '*.gcno'  -exec gcov  {} +
    Failed to run gcov command.
==> Scanning for reports
    + /codebuild/output/src177393001/src/github.com/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/javascript/src/coverage/lcov.info
    + /codebuild/output/src177393001/src/github.com/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/javascript/src/coverage/clover.xml
==> Uploading reports
    View report at: https://codecov.io/github/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/commit/71bc3c49f74356667297b0b04361d92686e7714d

[Container] 2021/01/30 03:10:44 Phase complete: BUILD State: SUCCEEDED

Expected Results

Webhook failed so there is no PR comment on my PR: https://github.com/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/pull/1

Actual Results

There should be PR comment on my PR: https://github.com/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/pull/1

Additional Information

Any additional information, configuration or data that might be necessary to reproduce the issue.

Deleting the webhook in my repo has now solved the problem. So…without a webhook, is it really not needed then?

@RichieRunner, if the webhook is needed, Codecov will automatically recreate it. It is likely that something got out of sync here, but glad that this fixed your issue.

I thought so, but the webhook still hasn’t been re-created? How do I re-trigger the creation?

@RichieRunner, if it is needed, we should be able to recreate it automatically. If it is working without, you should be good to go.!

I’ve re-added my repo and got the webhook back, but now it is failing again. Can you please take a look with commit SHA: 7d6ca541c9e16fc53851271b262e4bb03b8f1570

  _____          _  
 / ____|        | |  
| |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __  
| |    / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /  
| |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /  
 \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/  
==> Detecting CI Provider
    AWS CodeBuild Detected
==> Configuration: 
    Endpoint: https://codecov.io
{ commit: '7d6ca541c9e16fc53851271b262e4bb03b8f1570',
  branch: 'HEAD',
  package: 'node-v3.8.1' }
==> Building file structure
==> Generating gcov reports (skip via --disable=gcov)
    $ find /codebuild/output/src307866776/src/github.com/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/javascript/src -type f -name '*.gcno'  -exec gcov  {} +
    Failed to run gcov command.
==> Scanning for reports
    + /codebuild/output/src307866776/src/github.com/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/javascript/src/coverage/lcov.info
    + /codebuild/output/src307866776/src/github.com/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/javascript/src/coverage/clover.xml
==> Uploading reports
    View report at: https://codecov.io/github/RichieRunner/hello-world-cc/commit/7d6ca541c9e16fc53851271b262e4bb03b8f1570

Also, why am I seeing this message?

@RichieRunner, I think it might have had to do with our service outage here. I’m seeing a graph there now.