Xcode cloud support

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Hello, I’m trying to upload my Xcode project coverage from Xcode Cloud, I spent a lot of time trying to make it work but I reached a dead end. I managed to get my coverage report working only once when I ran my CI script locally on my mac.

I found this GitHub post stating that the code source should be available in the environment in which the codecov uploader is run.

I reached out to apple because apparently, this is not possible at the moment. The script run on the CI cannot access the repository source. More details on my post on the apple forum here.

They now ask me why these should be accessible, in order to make my script work. Unfortunately, I didn’t find this information in the documentation. Anyone could help me explain why in order to file an Enhancement Request to get codecov working on XcodeCloud?

Thank You


Please provide a link to the CI/CD run.

Codecov Output

Please provide the full output of running the uploader on your CI/CD. This will typically have the Codecov logo as ASCII.

Expected Results

Please provide what you expect to have happened (e.g. a file that has missing coverage on a particular line).

Actual Results

Please provide what actually happened.

Additional Information

Any additional information, configuration, or data that might be necessary to reproduce the issue.

@juniorb sorry for the delay here, can you share your repo and a link to CI? That could help debug this a little better.