Appveyor: FIND: Parameter format not correct


I’m trying to integrate Codecov in a series of PHP packages that belong to the Doctrine organization on Github. It seems to work great on Travis. On Appveyor, it’s another story: there seems to be an upload occuring, but there are warnings as shown in the title that makes the build fail.


The PR to add Coveralls is at Integrate with Codecov by greg0ire · Pull Request #4047 · doctrine/dbal · GitHub
The failing job can be found at AppVeyor





Commit SHAs


Codecov YAML

I didn’t add such a file

Codecov Output

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile
bash -f "clover.xml"
  _____          _
 / ____|        | |
| |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __
| |    / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
| |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /
 \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/
==> Appveyor CI detected.
    project root: C:/projects/dbal
    Fixing merge commit SHA
    Yaml not found, that's ok! Learn more at
    -> Found 1 reports
==> Detecting git/mercurial file structure
==> Reading reports
    + clover.xml bytes=929368
==> Appending adjustments
bash : FIND: Parameter format not correct
At line:4 char:1
+ bash -f "clover.xml"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (FIND: Parameter format not correct:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
FIND: Parameter format not correct
FIND: Parameter format not correct
    -> No adjustments found
==> Gzipping contents
==> Uploading reports
    query: branch=2.10.x&commit=af5df0949bbcf4458b553705de8cded266d3bf29&build=6ihlafe9pudgsdir&
    -> Pinging Codecov
    -> Uploading
    -> View reports at
Command executed with exception: FIND: Parameter format not correct

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Push any commit

Expected behavior: Coverage reports are uploaded and the build is green

Actual behavior: Coverage reports are uploaded and the AppVeyor job is red

Flakiness? not flaky

Hi @greg0ire, I made a small adjustment in the PR. Let me know if that fixes the issue, and if not, we can dig in a little deeper here.

Hi @tom, thanks for your answer, sadly it looks like it did not help. From the error message, I think the issues is with how FIND, a program that exists both on Linux and on Windows, but might have small variations from one OS to the other, is called. Let’ see if there are any occurrences of it in the bash script.

207:    find "$_dir" -name "*.$_type" | while read f
208-    do
209-      _proj=${f##*/}
857:# find branch, commit, repo from git command
858-if [ "$GIT_BRANCH" != "" ];
936:       || cd $proj_root && find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*codecov.y*ml' 2>/dev/null \
937-       || echo '')
938-yaml=$(echo "$yaml" | head -1)
1021:    profdata_files=$(find "$ddp" -name '*.profdata' 2>/dev/null || echo '')
1022-    if [ "$profdata_files" != "" ];
1023-    then
1050:        bash -c "find $ddp -type f -name '*.gcda' $gcov_include $gcov_ignore -exec $gcov_exe -p $gcov_arg {} +" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
1051-      else
1052:        bash -c "find $ddp -type f -name '*.gcda' $gcov_include $gcov_ignore -exec $gcov_exe -p $gcov_arg {} +" || true
1053-      fi
1054-    fi
1060:    plists_files=$(find "$ddp" -name '*.xccoverage' 2>/dev/null || echo '')
1061-    if [ "$plists_files" != "" ];
1062-    then
1081:      bash -c "find $proj_root -type f -name '*.gcno' $gcov_include $gcov_ignore -exec $gcov_exe -pb $gcov_arg {} +" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
1082-    else
1083:      bash -c "find $proj_root -type f -name '*.gcno' $gcov_include $gcov_ignore -exec $gcov_exe -pb $gcov_arg {} +" || true
1084-    fi
1085-  else
1098:        dotcoverage=$(find "$git_root" -name '.coverage' -or -name '.coverage.*' | head -1 || echo '')
1099-        if [ "$dotcoverage" != "" ];
1100-        then
1139:  patterns="find $search_in \( \
1140-                        -name vendor \
1141-                        -or -name htmlcov \
1279:  files=$(eval "find $search_in -type f \( ${include_cov:5} \)$exclude_cov 2>/dev/null" || echo '')
1302:    network=$(find "$git_root" \( \
1303-                   -name virtualenv \
1304-                   -name .virtualenv \
1471:    find "$git_root" -type f \
1472-                     -name '*.kt' \
1473-                     -exec \
1481:    find "$git_root" -type f \
1482-                     -name '*.kt' -exec \
1483-      wc -l {} \; \
1494:    find "$git_root" -not -path '*/vendor/*' \
1495-                     -type f \
1496-                     -name '*.go' \
1512:    find "$git_root" -type f \
1513-                     -name '*.dart' \
1514-                     -exec \
1526:    find "$git_root" -not -path "*/vendor/*" \
1527-                     -type f \
1528-                     -name '*.php' \
1543:    find "$git_root" -type f \
1544-                     $skip_dirs \
1545-         \( \
1564:    find "$git_root" -type f \
1565-                     $skip_dirs \
1566-         \( \

Looks like there are occurrences, but not at line 4, which is the line the message complains about.

There is an occurence at line 4 of this function though:

swiftcov() {
  _dir=$(dirname "$1" | sed 's/\(Build\).*/\1/g')
  for _type in app framework xctest
    find "$_dir" -name "*.$_type" | while read f
      if [ "$2" = "" ] || [ "$(echo "$_proj" | grep -i "$2")" != "" ];
        say "    $g+$x Building reports for $_proj $_type"
        dest=$([ -f "$f/$_proj" ] && echo "$f/$_proj" || echo "$f/Contents/MacOS/$_proj")
        _proj_name=$(echo "$_proj" | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]//g')
        xcrun llvm-cov show $beta_xcode_partials -instr-profile "$1" "$dest" > "$_proj_name.$_type.coverage.txt" \
         || say "    ${r}x>${x} llvm-cov failed to produce results for $dest"

Also, it looks like parameters to find should be quoted, and in many occurrences, they are not, like at line 4 of this $() command substitution:

yaml=$(cd "$git_root" && \
          git ls-files "*codecov.yml" "*codecov.yaml" 2>/dev/null \
       || hg locate "*codecov.yml" "*codecov.yaml" 2>/dev/null \
       || cd $proj_root && find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*codecov.y*ml' 2>/dev/null \
       || echo '')

When I paste this script into shellcheck, there are many suggestions that might help make it more portable: . Consider adding it to your CI.

Thanks for this @greg0ire, I’m going to work through the Shellcheck errors this week. Feel free to follow along or help here.

I fixed my issue by switching the download program to appveyor DownloadFile -FileName