Error while processing opencover files


I am running open cover in one of my repos and I wanted to check code coverage of the repo using code cov. I see there is an error generated by code cov xml for instance Codecov



Latest Windows 10 and Edge

Additional Information

The error i see is

There was an error processing coverage reports.

Most common issues

Based on our logs it looks like your coverage files are not actually making it into storage. Please post the following:

  • The command you’re using to upload to codecov
  • A coverage file that you’re attempting to upload

We may be able to provide more insight if you can supply these.

roslyn/PublishCCCodeCov.bat at master · acesiddhu/roslyn · GitHub this is the comman line i am using. this is file roslyn/Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.WinRT.UnitTests.dll_net472_x86.xml at master · acesiddhu/roslyn · GitHub

Can you attempt to upload this with our bash uploader (see: [Deprecating] Bash Uploader)? I’d just like to remove the extra step of going through codecov.exe to isolate the potential issue further if we can

doesn’t work still. Codecov

Sorry for the delay, here. We spent some time refactoring our uploading processing and believe this issue may be related to the size of the file you’re attempting to upload (41MB).

Can you try to upload again on a new commit?

I tried again and it didnt work. Codecov
I re uploaded the coverage files for the same commit i pinged above