Failed to upload the report with CodecovFallbackUploader | (400) Bad Request


I am a new user to codecov and I cannot seem to upload my first report. If anyone could help solve this problem or point me in the right direction, that would be much appreciated. I’ve read through seemingly oodles of documentation but I can’t seem to figure out exactly why I’m stuck :confounded:.

Commit SHAs



It is a private repo, I am running it locally as as script to test it out first

CI/CD or Build URL

Using Github actions, but testing locally


Please provide which uploader you are using and command used to run it (e.g. Bash, Node, Python, GitHub Actions, etc…). If you are not using the bash uploader, we recommend switching to it before opening an issue here.

Codecov Output

PS C:\Users<username>\Documents\repo\tests> codecov -f “coverage.xml” -t “<upload_token>”

        _____          _
        / ____|        | |
        | |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __
        | |    / _ \ / _  |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
        | |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /
        \_____\___/ \____|\___|\___\___/ \_/

[WRN] No CI detected.
[WRN] No VCS detected.
Project root: C:\Users<username>\Documents\repo\tests
Yaml not found, that’s ok! Learn more at About the Codecov YAML
Reading reports.
Uploading Reports.
Pinging Codecov
[WRN] Unable to upload coverage report to Codecov. Server returned: (400) Bad Request
[WRN] Unable to upload coverage report to Codecov. Server returned: (400) Bad Request
[WRN] Unknown reason. Possible reason being invalid parameters.
Uploading to Codecov
[WRN] Unable to upload coverage report to Codecov. Server returned: (400) Bad Request
[WRN] Unable to upload coverage report to Codecov. Server returned: (400) Bad Request
[WRN] Unknown reason. Possible reason being invalid parameters.
[WRN] Failed to upload the report with CodecovFallbackUploader.
[FTL] Failed to upload the report.
Codecov.Exceptions.UploadException: Failed to upload the report.
at Codecov.Upload.Uploads.Uploader()
at Codecov.Program.UploadFacade.UploadReports()
at Codecov.Program.Run.Uploader()
at Codecov.Program.Run.Runner(IEnumerable`1 args)

Expected Results

Expected report to upload

Actual Results

Threw above error

Additional Information

I tried running the same command using the bash script on Ubuntu subsystem and got this error;
[2021-08-05T00:49:38.802Z] [‘info’]
_____ _
/ | | |
| | ___ __| | ___ ___ _____ __
| | / _ \ / ` |/ _ / / _ \ \ / /
| |
| (
) | (
| | __/ (
| (
) \ V /
______/ _,|_|____/ _/

Codecov report uploader 0.1.0
[2021-08-05T00:49:38.824Z] [‘info’] => Project root located at: /mnt/c/Users//Documents/repo/tests
[2021-08-05T00:49:38.825Z] [‘info’] → Token set by arguments
[2021-08-05T00:49:38.827Z] [‘info’] Processing coverage.xml…
[2021-08-05T00:49:38.845Z] [‘info’] Detected Local as the CI provider.
[2021-08-05T00:49:38.875Z] [‘error’] Unable to parse slug URL:
[2021-08-05T00:49:38.875Z] [‘error’] There was an error getting the slug from git: Error: Unable to parse slug URL:
[2021-08-05T00:49:38.876Z] [‘error’] Error!: Error: There was an error getting the slug from git: Error: Unable to parse slug URL:

@clicketyclackety are you trying to upload locally on a system without git?

@tom, I have git installed. As in, if I type git into the Windows Terminal I get the standard response

hmmm, what happens if you run git config --get remote.origin.url @clicketyclackety?

It returns the url of the repo

@clicketyclackety can you please post the URL, you are welcome to redact the owner and repo name\/<name>.git

The name has a . in the middle of it, unsure if that changes anything.

@clicketyclackety, can you try uploading using the uploader (not exe) again? I would also recommend running it from GitHub Actions as opposed to local. If you run into an issue, please paste the entire output with the command you used to run.

I used Github Actions and managed to get it to publish to codecov, thanks @tom

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