Heroku CI not detected in new uploader

I was switching from the old bash uploader to the new uploader.

While running the old bash uploader codecov automatically takes required envs like branch, sha and build in Heroku CI. In the new uploader, As per my understanding, I need to pass all envs manually. 1. Is my understaing was right?

I’ve checked source code(new uploader) on githup. Seems like Heroku CI was not available. 2. Why it’s removed? I was curious to know that.

@Yasir it was not intentionally not ported over, but possibly just missed. I’ll look into adding it for the product team, but you are welcome to do so here.

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@Yasir HerokuCI detection should exist in the next version of the uploader. The PR is here.

@Yasir version 0.1.9 should have the feature addition above.