Version 0.1.9 incorrectly detects Heroku CI as provider when using on Travis

Describe the bug
I’m running the uploader from travis and on version 0.1.8 the uploader correctly detected this
[2021-10-27T18:48:16.571Z] ['info'] Detected Travis CI as the CI provider.
Since the update to 0.1.9, the uploader detects Heroku CI without any changes on my side
[2021-11-01T17:56:05.952Z] ['info'] Detected Heroku CI as the CI provider.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run the uploader on verbose mode from a travis build
  2. See error

Expected behavior
Travis to be detected when running build on travis


Additional context
Because Heroku is detected, the uploader tries to use the Heroku env variables and request is invalid (missing branch etc)

[2021-11-01T17:56:05.952Z] ['info'] Detected Heroku CI as the CI provider.
[2021-11-01T17:56:05.952Z] ['verbose'] -> Using the following env variables:
[2021-11-01T17:56:05.952Z] ['verbose']      CI: true
[2021-11-01T17:56:05.952Z] ['verbose']      HEROKU_TEST_RUN_BRANCH: undefined
[2021-11-01T17:56:05.952Z] ['verbose']      HEROKU_TEST_RUN_COMMIT_VERSION: undefined
[2021-11-01T17:56:05.952Z] ['verbose']      HEROKU_TEST_RUN_ID: undefined
[2021-11-01T17:56:05.971Z] ['info'] Pinging Codecov:*******&branch=&build=&build_url=&commit=&job=&pr=&service=heroku&slug=XX%2FXX&name=&tag=&flags=&parent=
[2021-11-01T17:56:05.971Z] ['verbose'] Passed token was 36 characters long
[2021-11-01T17:56:05.971Z] ['verbose']
        Content-Type: 'text/plain'
        Content-Encoding: 'gzip'
        X-Reduced-Redundancy: 'false'
[2021-11-01T17:56:06.100Z] ['error'] Error POSTing to 400 Invalid request parameters
[2021-11-01T17:56:06.101Z] ['error'] There was an error running the uploader: Error uploading to Error: Bad Request
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Hi @adolfov, can you check 0.1.10, we made a fix for this.

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hey @tom, I can confirm version 0.1.10 fixes the issue. Thanks