How to fix Missing base report on open source project?


I have a little open source project where I use codecov, for some reason one of the merges to master lost the coverage info and now all branches and commits to master show

Missing base report.
Unable to compare commits because the base of the compare did not upload a coverage report.





Please provide which uploader you are using and command used to run it. If you are not using the bash uploader, we recommend switching to it before opening an issue here.

Commit SHAs

last commits with coverage 29e1f8b55e636c2451998d4278ebcf5a81ba83bb
first commit without coverage: 3b60d2a06e3ee6f3bd958f2de6adef1c7cc23c58

Additional Information

The first commit without coverage was a commit done for an github integration bot (dependency updates) but there was older commits like this one and they are ok.

Hi @distante, would you mind posting the Codecov output here for any of the uploads that failed? I think it’d help me debug this issue a bit.

Hi @tom, thanks for your help.

I hope this is the correct one (it is from travis)

> @saninn/logger@0.9.1 test:codecov /home/travis/build/distante/saninn-logger

496> codecov


498 _____ _

499 / ____| | |

500| | ___ __| | ___ ___ _____ __

501| | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /

502| |___| (_) | (_| | __/ (_| (_) \ V /

503 \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/

504 v3.6.5

505==> Detecting CI Provider

506 Travis CI Detected

507==> Configuration:

508 Endpoint:

509{ commit: '486fc270d67db32864f77818974d35a81a174cd6',

510 branch: 'master',

511 package: 'node-v3.6.5' }

512==> Building file structure

513==> Generating gcov reports (skip via --disable=gcov)

514 Failed to run gcov command.

515==> Scanning for reports

516 + /home/travis/build/distante/saninn-logger/coverage/clover.xml

517 + /home/travis/build/distante/saninn-logger/coverage/

518==> Uploading reports

519 Success!

520 View report at:


522 Done. Your build exited with 0.

Hi @distante, could you try updating to the latest codecov package 3.7.0?

Well this was embarrassing… that was the problem.

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Glad it was an easy fix! These things happen to the best of us.

Thanks for your help @tom ! I really appreciate it :upside_down_face:

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