I’m trying to use the codecov github action and gcovr in my C++ project
Everything is working so far however gcovr reports lots of partial covered branches.
I’m trying to find a way to generate a .svg badges that only takes line coverage into account and completelly ignore branch coverage as it is not a useful metric in my context, and generally ignore branches report completelly in codecov.
This is a discussed topic here: Frequently Asked Questions — gcovr 5.2 documentation
And gcovr may not be able to adress this issue as they discuss it here: Feature request: option to disable branch coverage · Issue #303 · gcovr/gcovr · GitHub
How can I tell codecov to ignore branches and just report lines ?
I tried playing the codecov.yml and branch option, but it does not seems to have any effect.
Here is my repository: https://github.com/mwestphal/test3
Here is my codecov: Codecov
Here is the relevant part of my github yml:
- name: Generate XML Coverage
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/source
run: gcovr --exclude-unreachable-branches --exclude cxxopts.h --print-summary -x -o coverage.xml
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v2
files: ${{github.workspace}}/source/coverage.xml
Here is my codecov.yml
conditional: no
loop: no
method: no
macro: no
- "/source::"
Here is the typical gcovr log execution
Run gcovr --exclude-unreachable-branches --exclude cxxopts.h --print-summary -x -o coverage.xml
lines: 91.7% (3228 out of 3520)
branches: 51.7% (3513 out of 6794)
Here is a typical codecov github action log execution:
Run codecov/codecov-action@v2
/usr/bin/docker exec d05eb9950d60cfe78f7b6c6bac74c5712ed418a2e90d5e1c9815066ee02566fc sh -c "cat /etc/*release | grep ^ID"
==> linux OS detected
==> SHASUM file signed by key id 806bb28aed779869
==> Uploader SHASUM verified (efce57ce4781d3553cf00c3243e57b120a6d3d73dfa72bd6580d48159e8bfbd9 codecov)
==> Running version latest
==> Running version v0.1.9
/__w/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v2/dist/codecov -n -Q github-action-2.1.0 -f /__w/test3/test3/source/coverage.xml
[2021-11-08T18:27:15.581Z] ['info']
_____ _
/ ____| | |
| | ___ __| | ___ ___ _____ __
| | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
| |___| (_) | (_| | __/ (_| (_) \ V /
\_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/
Codecov report uploader 0.1.11
[2021-11-08T18:27:15.588Z] ['info'] => Project root located at: /__w/test3/test3
[2021-11-08T18:27:15.589Z] ['info'] -> No token specified or token is empty
[2021-11-08T18:27:15.686Z] ['info'] Searching for coverage files...
[2021-11-08T18:27:15.756Z] ['info'] => Found 1 possible coverage files:
[2021-11-08T18:27:15.756Z] ['info'] Processing /__w/test3/test3/source/coverage.xml...
[2021-11-08T18:27:15.776Z] ['info'] Detected GitHub Actions as the CI provider.
[2021-11-08T18:27:15.778Z] ['info'] Pinging Codecov: https://codecov.io/upload/v4?package=github-action-2.1.0-uploader-0.1.11&token=*******&branch=master&build=1436136901&build_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fmwestphal%2Ftest3%2Factions%2Fruns%2F1436136901&commit=e755107a249d3c7be951c6af2a17d0122da1e1b2&job=CMake+Build+Matrix&pr=&service=github-actions&slug=mwestphal%2Ftest3&name=&tag=&flags=&parent=
[2021-11-08T18:27:16.813Z] ['info'] Uploading...
[2021-11-08T18:27:17.062Z] ['info'] {"status":"success","resultURL":"https://codecov.io/github/mwestphal/test3/commit/e755107a249d3c7be951c6af2a17d0122da1e1b2"}
I know that I could use --exclude-throw-branches
to reduce the number of branches, but this is not perfect and do not solve the problem fully.
Edit: Added relevant part of my code as I may modify my repository to run some tests soon.