Is branch coverage for ruby(simplecov) supported?


I am testing Codecov with a ruby project, and looking for help configuring branch coverage support.
The config of simple cove is like below

SimpleCov.start do
  enable_coverage :branch

However, in codecov report, I can’t find branch coverage results
is branch coverage for ruby(simplecov) supported?

Expected Results

I can see the branch coverage results

Actual Results

I can’t see the branch coverage results

@yokei-dev, looks like we haven’t fully supported branch coverage for Simplecov yet. I’ll ping the product team about it.

Thank you for your reply.
we are looking forward to it!

What’s the best way to +1 this work?

@bmulholland it would help a lot if you could add feedback here. It will allow other users to add pressure on the feature request.