V2 upload endpoint not working in GitHub Action

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Yesterday, coverage uploads from our GitHub Action to Codecov started failing. We’re using the V2 upload API. Upload still lists the V2 upload API as an existing endpoint - if it’s no longer in use, could that page be updated to state that?


Expected Results

The coverage gets uploaded to Codecov.

Actual Results

Nothing gets uploaded to Codecov.

@dracos can you provide details of what this does? Future commits look like they are uploading to Codecov now.

Hi @tom, thanks for replying. That line runs the old Perl codecov plugin available at GitHub - codecov/codecov-perl: Backend for Codecov reporting of coverage which does two thing - generates a codecov-compatible coverage file, and uploads it with the V2 upload API to Codecov.

Future commits are working because we switched to using the Codecov GItHub Action at Switch to using CodeCov GitHub Action. · mysociety/fixmystreet@5770f8a · GitHub and patched the Perl codecov plugin to generate the codecov-compatible coverage file but not upload it to Codecov, leaving that to the GitHub Action.

I’m perfectly happy to have done this, I understand the Perl module was deprecated and would stop working - I just thought that if the V2 API had been deprecated as part of that that the Upload page would want to be updated.

@dracos, got it that makes sense.

The V2 upload API has not been deprecated, but I believe we were experiencing an issue with greater than expected volume when you ran into issues. It should have been resolved, and I just want to confirm you’ve got it working now.