Why are my coverage statistics empty for the source files that my tests actually test?

I’m trying to setup codecov in my (C/C++ project)[GitHub - sys-bio/libOmexMeta: libOmexMeta is a library aimed at providing developer-level support for reading, writing, editing and managing semantic annotations for biosimulation models.] with travis. I finally figured out how to exclude all non-project source files only to realize that literally all of my tested files show up red in the codecov chart. Given this codecov yaml (see below), could anybody suggest why there are no coverage statistics for my source files?

I’m using a cmake script with --WITH_COVERAGE flag which adds the --coverage flag:

set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} --coverage")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} --coverage")

Then travis is building my project with these flags active and then uploading the information - or rather should be.



    "codecov": {
        "bot": "CiaranWelsh", 
        "branch": "master", 
        "ci": [
        "require_ci_to_pass": true, 
        "token": "03230181-dc42-4e8c-****-4669****066"
    "comment": {
        "behavior": "default", 
        "branches": [
        "layout": "header"
    "coverage": {
        "precision": 2, 
        "range": [
        "round": "down"
    "ignore": [
    "parsers": {
        "gcov": {
            "branch_detection": {
                "conditional": true, 
                "loop": true, 
                "macro": false, 
                "method": false

Apologies for the delay here @CiaranWelsh. Would you be able to push a new commit and share the SHA so I can take a look at our logs?

Hi Tom, No problem, thanks for responding. As it happens I’m nearly finished with another release - about a day or so - I’ll try again once I’ve fixed travis. Thanks,


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