Just consider this scenario in the same repo:
- I create one PR (called PR-0) at 2020.11.01, which will increse the project coverage by 1% if merged (but it is in open state, not merged).
- Then Alice create one PR (called PR-1) and merge this PR both at 2020.11.02, make some coverage change to the project.
- Then Bob create one PR (called PR-2) and merge the PR both at 2020.11.03, make some coverage change to the project again.
At 2020.11.04, I want to get PR-0’s impact to the project after PR-1 & PR-2 merged whitout re-run PR-0’s CI.
How can I get that infomation?
Can’t find any help on API doc. (Besides, I tried compare two commits, doesn’t work.)
GET /api/gh/:owner/:repo/compare/:base...:head)