Cant see reports in Codecov using JoCoCo Maven plugin


I’m having some trouble getting the JoCoCo maven plugin to work. Im using the following XML but I cant see the reports into Codecov - script: mvn clean test jacoco:report


If I use Cobertura and the following XML I can see the reports in Codecov. - script: mvn clean test cobertura:cobertura


Repository and passing JoCoCo build but missing reports


Any help would be appreciated

Hi @cmccarthyIrl, would you be able to push a new commit and supply the commit SHA?

hi @tom,

course, please feel free to commit any changes you like

Hi @cmccarthyIrl, it seems like the repo does not exist on GitHub anymore, and from previous Travis runs you are not collecting coverage. Would you be able to provide a new commit with the above upload failure?