I’m having some trouble getting the JoCoCo maven plugin to work. Im using the following XML but I cant see the reports into Codecov - script: mvn clean test jacoco:report
If I use Cobertura and the following XML I can see the reports in Codecov. - script: mvn clean test cobertura:cobertura
Repository and passing JoCoCo build but missing reports
CodeCov: https://codecov.io/gh/cmccarthyIrl/spring-cucumber-test-harness/commit/287bf02a2ffa1515df111a8053a887e529fd5c07
TravisCI: https://travis-ci.org/github/cmccarthyIrl/spring-cucumber-test-harness/builds/730371639
GitHub: https://github.com/cmccarthyIrl/spring-cucumber-test-harness/commit/287bf02a2ffa1515df111a8053a887e529fd5c07
Any help would be appreciated