Spring Java11 Jacoco Circleci

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Using Java11 in Spring By Jacoco and Circleci

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CI/CD or Build URL




Codecov Output

Cant get Codecov.

Expected Results

Report on Codecov.

Actual Results


Additional Information

I have a spring project that is built on java 11 since cobertura maven plugin didn’t work with java 11 then I tried to use jacoco from samples that is for Travis CI my ci/cd is Circleci.
I cant get report by my configuration on .cricleci/cofig.yml and pom.xm.
How should I configure them?

Circleci config file
Maven pom file

Hi @javaj-r, are you able to produce coverage reports locally?

Hi @tom , Thanks for your reply.
If you mean jacoco file on ide yes I get them:

Can you link me a CircleCI build that isn’t working?

Actually I couldn’t find, how to get link from Circleci build but my github project link is
spring5-recipe-app developer branch

Can you please give me a reference for linking?

@javaj-r, this looks like an issue with your CircleCI config. You are running the maven/test orb, but you aren’t actually running the build job you wrote here

You can see your CircleCI run doesn’t actually have any of the named steps that you wrote out.

Thank you very much @tom , I commented orb and workflow and now I get reports. :smiley:

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