Codecov commit status check missing for PR when using codecov-action

It has been flaky for us, some work other times it doesn’t. I know that’s not a very helpful insight :grimacing: sorry. Today it has been good so far. If things go bad again I’ll post a link in here.

Please and thank you @Licenser! Sorry that it’s been a bit frustrating for you.

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Hi Tom,
no worries :slight_smile:

We just got another one: Add hygienic runtime-error feedback for `tremor run` by mfelsche · Pull Request #620 · tremor-rs/tremor-runtime · GitHub the task succeeded and there is a report but the status doesn’t get updated:

@Licenser, apologies for the delay. This one really stumped me. I think this has to do with the commit SHA not being properly recognized. When you run the actions/checkout flow, can you specify fetch-depth: 2 or greater?

Hi tom, sorry we moved away from codecov. the failing reports started to be too taxing for the team.

@Licenser, I’m so sorry to hear that, but if there’s anything we can do to win back your usage, please let me know.