All of our PRs work fine except for PRs we want to merge into the develop branch. The CodeCov status checks never come down. It’s very frustrating and slows down our dev time. Any other branch works fine and is nearly instant. We’ve tried closing and reopening the PR and it has worked at times in the past but no longer works.
I have the same with all PRs. Status checks are yellow even though Codecov bot posted comment. And also this page isn’t working. GitHub made changes to their status checks API recently, I think this may be the reason.
I don’t think it is Github, because it works every time for any branch other than our develop branch, which is our default branch. Any time we want to merge to develop this happens 100% of the time. We try closing and reopening, submitting a new commit, etc. Sometimes it will finally work (about 10% of the time), but most of the time we need to remove the status checks to get the code in, which defeats the purpose of having a coverage tool.