Before submitting a topic, please confirm the following
I have searched for similar issues before creating this topic.
I have verified that my repository is using the Codecov GitHub app, if using GitHub
I have validated my codecov.yaml
configuration file.
I have filled out the below sections to the best of my ability.
Submitted a Jest coverage report to Codecov on Gitlab-CI in a private repository hosted at
Gitllab-CI run was successful and coverage submission to Codecov was successful. The display in Codecov is “CI Failed” and the commit message is “commit message unavailable”. I don’t think this is normal.
Please provide a link to the CI/CD run.
Codecov Output
Please provide the full output of running the uploader on your CI/CD. This will typically have the Codecov logo as ASCII.
$ ./codecov -t ${CODECOV_TOKEN} -v
[2022-08-05T05:42:10.792Z] ['verbose'] Start of uploader: 1659678130791...
[2022-08-05T05:42:10.794Z] ['info']
_____ _
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Codecov report uploader 0.2.5
[2022-08-05T05:42:10.847Z] ['info'] => Project root located at: /builds/xxxxxxxx/********/********
[2022-08-05T05:42:10.849Z] ['info'] -> Token found by arguments
[2022-08-05T05:42:10.850Z] ['verbose'] Start of network processing...
[2022-08-05T05:42:10.851Z] ['verbose'] Searching for files in /builds/xxxxxxxx/********/********
[2022-08-05T05:42:10.863Z] ['verbose'] coveragepy is not installed
[2022-08-05T05:42:10.863Z] ['info'] Searching for coverage files...
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.961Z] ['info'] Warning: Some files located via search were excluded from upload.
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.962Z] ['info'] If Codecov did not locate your files, please review
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.962Z] ['verbose'] Preparing to clean the following coverage paths: coverage/clover.xml,coverage/
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.962Z] ['info'] => Found 2 possible coverage files:
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.962Z] ['verbose'] End of network processing
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.963Z] ['info'] Processing /builds/xxxxxxxx/********/********/coverage/clover.xml...
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.965Z] ['info'] Processing /builds/xxxxxxxx/********/********/coverage/
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.973Z] ['info'] Detected GitLab CI as the CI provider.
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.973Z] ['verbose'] -> Using the following env variables:
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.973Z] ['verbose'] CI_BUILD_ID: 2817765495
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.973Z] ['verbose'] CI_BUILD_REF: 6f220a4c60f5b59af4a574996e51dc7b560daa6e
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.974Z] ['verbose'] CI_BUILD_REF_NAME: develop
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.974Z] ['verbose'] CI_BUILD_REPO: undefined
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.974Z] ['verbose'] CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME: develop
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.974Z] ['verbose'] CI_COMMIT_SHA: 6f220a4c60f5b59af4a574996e51dc7b560daa6e
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.974Z] ['verbose'] CI_JOB_ID: 2817765495
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.974Z] ['verbose'] CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA: undefined
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.974Z] ['verbose'] CI_PROJECT_PATH: xxxxxxxx/********/********
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.975Z] ['verbose'] CI_REPOSITORY_URL: https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]********/********.git
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.975Z] ['verbose'] GITLAB_CI: true
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.975Z] ['verbose'] Using the following upload parameters:
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.975Z] ['verbose'] branch
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.975Z] ['verbose'] build
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.975Z] ['verbose'] buildURL
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.975Z] ['verbose'] commit
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.976Z] ['verbose'] job
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.976Z] ['verbose'] pr
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.976Z] ['verbose'] service
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.976Z] ['verbose'] slug
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.976Z] ['verbose'] name
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.976Z] ['verbose'] tag
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.977Z] ['verbose'] flags
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.977Z] ['verbose'] parent
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.978Z] ['info'] Pinging Codecov:*******&branch=develop&build=2817765495&build_url=&commit=6f220a4c60f5b59af4a574996e51dc7b560daa6e&job=&pr=&service=gitlab&slug=xxxxxxxx%2F********%2F********&name=&tag=&flags=&parent=
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.978Z] ['verbose'] Passed token was 36 characters long
[2022-08-05T05:42:11.979Z] ['verbose']********%2F********&name=&tag=&flags=&parent=
Content-Type: 'text/plain'
Content-Encoding: 'gzip'
X-Reduced-Redundancy: 'false'
[2022-08-05T05:42:12.435Z] ['info']********/********/commit/6f220a4c60f5b59af4a574996e51dc7b560daa6e
[2022-08-05T05:42:12.435Z] ['verbose'] Returned upload url:
[2022-08-05T05:42:12.435Z] ['info'] Uploading...
[2022-08-05T05:42:12.840Z] ['info'] {"status":"success","resultURL":"********/********/commit/6f220a4c60f5b59af4a574996e51dc7b560daa6e"}
[2022-08-05T05:42:12.840Z] ['verbose'] End of uploader: 2049 milliseconds