Codecov stuck in "Unable to find report content in the storage archive. "

e.g. in this commit:

codecov tool reported a successul upload:

 codecov --required --tries 10
  shell: /bin/bash -e {0}
    TERM: xterm
    pythonLocation: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.9/x64
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.9/x64/lib

      _____          _
     / ____|        | |
    | |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __
    | |    / _ \ / _  |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
    | |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /
     \_____\___/ \____|\___|\___\___/ \_/

==> Detecting CI provider
    GitHub Actions CI Detected
    Fixing merge commit SHA
==> Preparing upload
==> Processing gcov (disable by -X gcov)
==> Collecting reports
    Generating coverage xml reports for Python
    + /home/runner/work/diofant/diofant/coverage.xml bytes=3462382
==> Uploading
    .query commit=e40cf6ea11c867893ca78d64c24fc22f11d05413&branch=nocov-regressions&pr=1060&<secret>&service=github-actions&build=351922270&slug=diofant%2Fdiofant&yaml=.codecov.yml&package=py2.1.10
    Gzipping contents..
    Compressed contents to 212196 bytes
    Pinging Codecov...
    Uploading to S3...
    Uploading to S3 took 0:00:00.249216

See pr: Don't count regression tests in the coverage report by skirpichev · Pull Request #1060 · diofant/diofant · GitHub

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Also, payload rediliver produces “Unable to find commit in GitHub” entry in the project dashboard.

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Same problem. Had a repository working perfectly yesterday. Same repo now says “Unable to find commit in GitHub” as well as “Unable to find report content in the storage archive.” when I try to browse the report. Hadn’t made any changes on my end except making a test upload.

Appears to be working again.

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Apologies all, this seems to be a backup in our queues yesterday. It has since been resolved.

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