"Unable to find report content in the storage archive" after passing CI


I was on a pull request with Travis CI enabled on my repo and I got this log on Traivs build:

==> Travis CI detected.

    project root: .

--> token set from env

    Yaml not found, that's ok! Learn more at http://docs.codecov.io/docs/codecov-yaml

==> Running gcov in . (disable via -X gcov)

==> Python coveragepy exists disable via -X coveragepy

    -> Running coverage xml

==> Searching for coverage reports in:

    + .

    -> Found 1 reports

==> Detecting git/mercurial file structure

==> Appending build variables


    + 3.6

==> Reading reports

    + ./coverage.xml bytes=16134

==> Appending adjustments


    -> No adjustments found

==> Gzipping contents

==> Uploading reports

    url: https://codecov.io

    query: branch=TestPR&commit=e716501dc4bd362f67110b3362226cc57fff7fff&build=135.1&build_url=&name=&tag=&slug=nikochiko%2Fchess-server&service=travis&flags=&pr=false&job=330708080

    -> Pinging Codecov


    -> Uploading

    -> View reports at https://codecov.io/github/nikochiko/chess-server/commit/e716501dc4bd362f67110b3362226cc57fff7fff

Done. Your build exited with 0.

But when I open the mentioned link it says “Unable to find report in the storage archive”.


Private repo: GitHub - nikochiko/df-wizard-chess: 🧙 Dialogflow fulfillment for Wizard Chess

Commit SHAs


Codecov YAML

Not configured.

Additional Information

It is the same on all branches. I tried on a new branch with different changes the result was same.

Hi @nikochiko, the task is still running to process your coverage report. Please give it a few minutes.

The one for this branch https://codecov.io/gh/nikochiko/chess-server/branch/postgres is running since ~30 minutes :confused:

Can you supply a commit SHA for that one? You should be seeing coverage metrics for your original request.

this would be the commit SHA for it: 377c6cca26de9fcbc0a96ab79c1e4fba62fce887

@nikochiko I can see the page https://codecov.io/gh/nikochiko/chess-server/commits/377c6cca26de9fcbc0a96ab79c1e4fba62fce887, what’s the issue here?

The CI is already complete. It didn’t comment a report on the PR either.

Update: I received the coverage report!
@tom thanks for the support!

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