Initially we tried without any codecov.yml, and now we tried to fix by customizing the yaml file but nothing changes.
What could be the problem?
The coverage informed for master branch is also wrong in the badge.
It is showing 9% but it is actually 3%, 9% is the coverage for the open PR #21 (
layout: “reach, diff, flags, files”
behavior: default
require_changes: false # if true: only post the comment if coverage changes
require_base: no # [yes :: must have a base report to post]
require_head: no # [yes :: must have a head report to post]
I’m can’t find f09a686c857aebbcb63f0ed30000097cd2311a61 in the logs, when was this commit uploaded? Do you have one within the past 2-3 days that I can take a look at, if this one is older then a week?
I just recorded a video here to show you that the build for commit f09a686c857aebbcb63f0ed30000097cd2311a61 happened 20 hours ago, however seems that the codecov bash uploader send the reports to the wrong commit. See the gif below with this behavior: