Repository not show in the Repos tab

Before submitting a topic, please confirm the following

I have searched for similar issues before creating this topic.
Found: Codecov GitHub Action fails: 'Could not find a repository, try using upload token' - #5 by ezzatron But does not have a clear resolution.
I have verified that my repository is using the Codecov GitHub app, if using GitHub
I have validated my codecov.yaml configuration file.
I have filled out the below sections to the best of my ability.


In the website, I see several of my repositories but not the last two I made in the last 24h.


I have two:

Codecov Output

Run codecov/codecov-action@v2
==> linux OS detected
==> SHASUM file signed by key id 806bb28aed779869
==> Uploader SHASUM verified (20f9c9d78483fce977b6cc39e231a734a23bcd36f4d536bb7355222fb88d02bc  codecov)
==> Running version latest
==> Running version v0.3.2
/home/runner/work/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v2/dist/codecov -n  -Q github-action-2.1.0
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.793Z] ['info'] 
     _____          _
    / ____|        | |
   | |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __
   | |    / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
   | |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /
    \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/

  Codecov report uploader 0.3.2
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.800Z] ['info'] => Project root located at: /home/runner/work/all-in-throttle-out-queue/all-in-throttle-out-queue
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.804Z] ['info'] -> No token specified or token is empty
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.811Z] ['info'] Searching for coverage files...
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.892Z] ['info'] Warning: Some files located via search were excluded from upload.
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.893Z] ['info'] If Codecov did not locate your files, please review
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.893Z] ['info'] => Found 3 possible coverage files:
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.894Z] ['info'] Processing /home/runner/work/all-in-throttle-out-queue/all-in-throttle-out-queue/coverage/clover.xml...
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.896Z] ['info'] Processing /home/runner/work/all-in-throttle-out-queue/all-in-throttle-out-queue/coverage/coverage-final.json...
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.896Z] ['info'] Processing /home/runner/work/all-in-throttle-out-queue/all-in-throttle-out-queue/coverage/
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.899Z] ['info'] Detected GitHub Actions as the CI provider.
[2022-12-21T01:10:08.900Z] ['info'] Pinging Codecov:*******&branch=master&build=3745490202&
[2022-12-21T01:10:09.326Z] ['error'] There was an error running the uploader: Error uploading to Error: There was an error fetching the storage URL during POST: 404 - {'detail': ErrorDetail(string='Could not find a repository, try using repo upload token', code='not_found')}

Expected Results

I expect that when going to Codecov to see all my repositories and to setup the ones from the two I am data using Codecov.

Actual Results

There are not present on the list.

Additional Information

  1. The actions are completing in Github
  2. The codecov website under “Not yet setup” has many repositories but not the two that are more recent
  3. The “re-sync” button perform GraphQL requests but the responses do not have the repository
  4. The two repositories are public

It’s been three weeks.

I noticed a few changes.

First, the Chrome developer tools do not have any more errors (that they had in the past) when visiting the CodeCov portal. Additionally, the payload from the API calls contains Also, my latest code push got through the system, and now Codecov has the information. I am happy that something has changed, and Codecov is back operational (with new repositories). I suspect something went wrong with the Github API, causing Codecov not able to fetch new repositories.

My main concern now is with the responsiveness (or support) of Codecov. While I understand I am not a paying customer, it is not a great experience and is not an incentive in the future to use a system that might go down without explanation when resolution. Furthermore, when contacting using the ticket system to raise the system exceptions the ticket was shut down because the problem was unavailable for new (Github) projects. Perhaps if this forum was more active, it would work to refer to it, but after 22 days without a reply, I suspect that it is a tool in place that act as smoke more than a tangible way to communicate impasse.

Overall, I wish good continuation to Codecov and hope to see an improvement in communication in the future.

1 Like

Hi @MrDesjardins

 - My main concern now is with the responsiveness (or support) of Codecov
 - but after 22 days without a reply

First, I’m glad that your issue has been resolved. I apologize that I didn’t get a chance to take a look at this topic as it happened to come at the beginning of the holiday season.

The community board serves as a way to provide more global support to our free users. As such, topics are responded to on a best-effort case. That said, I’m sorry that you didn’t hear from us for such a long time, and I can imagine how frustrating it was for you.

I again appreciate your reply that the issue has been solved for you. Is there anything else that you are having trouble doing?