It looks like we have a record for b5dcfe3d41ad73c6a6608eb19b75b6067253d0e6, but it didn’t upload in time, so it’s in an error state. Do you know the rough size of the report? Sometimes a large report can cause a failure to upload.
Can you try uploading the report again and let me know if that changes anything?
Thanks for this! I haven’t had any luck with the -f flag. I’ve been trying various variations of './NetworkStructures.framework.coverage.txt' with * etc. as the file to match, but this does not seem to work.
I had slightly more luck with the -J flag, e.g. -J 'NetworkStructures', but I cannot get it to work with multiple targets. I need three - paths corresponding to SpellingNetworks, NetworkStructures and EncodingsTests respectively.
Do you know where the files live? Perhaps that could help with the targeting of the -f flag…