I’m having a problem with the output of test code coverage using Spek on Android (Kotlin).
The test code coverage is output using Jacoco, and the code coverage can be confirmed correctly in the output local jacoco report.
However, if you give it to Codecov, the code coverage will be extremely low.
When I checked the Codecov report, I found that only the first line of the test code class declaration turned green and the rest turned red. (See attached image) I’m wondering if Codecov doesn’t recognize Kotlin (Spek) test code well in my settings. Is there any good way to deal with it?
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The image of the class declaration attached to the question was just an example. Similarly, for other class declarations, only one line of the class declaration will be green and the other lines will be red.
Hi @k-masashi, please take a look at the raw report in the Build tab. You’ll notice that the coverage shown on Codecov matches what is being inputted (e.g. the lines above are shown as not covered)